Costs of surrogacy in the UK

Surrogate motherhood price

What is the price of surrogacy?

Often, our parents ask themselves: What is the price of surrogacy? How much does a surrogacy process cost in Spain?
This process is the assisted reproduction treatment with the highest success rate. The total cost of a surrogacy in Spain ranges from 50.000 € to 200.000 € or more, depending on the destination country chosen to carry out the surrogacy process.

Surrogacy treatment in Spain is an expensive process. Intended parents must be financially prepared before starting surrogacy treatment. There are many variables that influence the price of surrogacy in Spain such as the location where it is carried out, the choice of treatment with own eggs or egg donation, the number of cycles/embryo transfers, etc. If you are interested in finding out more about the costs of surrogacy programmes in Spain, we invite you to contact us to book a free telephone consultation. We recommend prospective parents to consult a lawyer specialised in these processes before proceeding with a surrogacy programme.

What makes the price of surrogacy vary?

The factors that make the price of surrogacy in Spain vary are:
🔹 Assisted reproduction treatment
🔹 The compensation of the pregnant woman
🔹Additional tests
🔹Preimplantational genetic diagnosis
🔹Whether or not an egg donor is required
🔹Number of IVFs or attempts needed
🔹Handling fees or legal fees (depending on the country of destination )
🔹Travel and accommodation in the country of destination
🔹 Medical expenses for the pregnancy itself (depending on whether or not the destination country has social security).

At Gestlife we work with fixed prices for surrogacy, adjusted so that at the end of the process there are no surprises or surprises. Several of our programmes also include an unlimited number of transfers. In addition, we are committed to your success in the surrogacy process. If you are not parents in 30 months, we will refund your money.

The price of a surrogacy varies depending on the surrogate, and our first piece of advice is that you don't haggle with a surrogate. Even if you want to look at it selfishly. When you pay a surrogate better than anyone else, you get the best surrogate. When you want to pay less, the best surrogates go to other parents, and those that serious clinics have rejected, because they did not meet the medical or psychological requirements, end up accepting lower figures, because no one else will accept them.

Let us also accept that, at the moment, due to the over-demand for pregnant women worldwide, there is a shortage of pregnant women. And this inevitably means:

- More time to find them (whoever offers to get you a surrogate in 3 months is lying to you and you will probably have a problem when there is no solution).

- The price of surrogacy, and therefore the compensation received by the surrogate, changes every 3-4 months, and always increases. European surrogates are still far from the compensation that an American surrogate receives. If you have agreed on a figure, and several months go by before the surrogacy begins, it is possible that when you find the surrogate, she may want a slightly higher compensation.

- In these cases the clinics, in order not to lose money, decide to ‘wait’ to see if they can find a surrogate who will accept the lower compensation. But, obviously, the surrogate mothers talk to each other and who is going to accept $17,000 when they could receive $21,000?

- So, we advise you to always keep some 2000 or 3000 euros in your pocket, in case you need to increase the surrogate's compensation and give a boost to the surrogacy process.

Sometimes people have the concept that finding a surrogate is very easy. That you want a surrogate and she appears ipso facto. It would be very childish to believe that it is that simple. We are going to explain to you the process of selecting a surrogate or an egg donor (the process in both cases is the same) in the clinics and serious agencies:

All the agencies compete by advertising to recruit surrogates. The scarcity of supply leads to competition between agencies when it comes to offering compensation, and this logically causes the price of surrogacy and compensation to rise periodically.

Surrogacy price United States

The cost of surrogacy in the United States starts at €120,000. However, the cost of surrogacy in the USA can end up being much higher, as there is no social security in this country in case of medical complications.

Price surrogacy Greece

The cost of surrogacy in Greece starts at €78,000. The price of surrogacy in Greece also varies depending on the difficulty of finding Greek surrogate mothers, as they often ask for amounts that do not comply with the law. Surrogates from Russia who do comply with the limits of the law are often used in order to avoid incurring a criminal offence.

Price surrogacy Ukraine

The cost of surrogacy in Ukraine starts at €49,900. The price of surrogacy in Ukraine varies depending on the difficulty of the administrative management, since you must go through a process of filiation, with which you get to the same point, 3 or 4 months later or, in the case of doing your surrogacy in Ukraine with Gestlife, in just 4 weeks.

Price surrogacy Russia

The cost of surrogacy in Russia starts at €63,000. The cost of surrogacy in Russia also varies depending on the difficulty of the administrative procedures.

Price surrogacy Georgia

The cost of surrogacy in Georgia starts at €58,000. The price of surrogacy in Georgia varies depending on the difficulty of the administrative procedures, as there is no Spanish consulate in the country and it is therefore necessary to travel to Turkey to register the child.

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