Gestlife Truth or lie? Surrogate motherhood in the UK

November 27, 2024
Gestlife Truth or lie? Surrogate motherhood in the UK

Gestlife Truth or lie? Surrogate motherhood in the UK

Gestlife Truth or lie? Surrogacy in UK

The Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, said that "A lie repeated a thousand times adequately, becomes a truth". In the world of surrogacy, it often happens that agencies in an unfair competition or in forums repeat lies so many times that in the end they may seem to be true. But a lie is always a lie. That is why we are going to clarify some common hoaxes, which will help you to better understand the process.

All about Surrogacy in UK

"Only surrogacy processes in the USA offer legal guarantees".


Countries such as GREECE, UKRAINE, ARMENIA, or ALBANIA are just as reliable as the USA states where surrogacy processes are carried out . American agencies usually attack the other destinations, in an unfair competition, as they are losing clients due to the fact that the prices of surrogacy in the USA are much higher than in these countries. Gestlife is an American company, with its own programs in the USA, and this does not mean that we are attacking other equally reliable destinations.

"Surrogates in other countries are exploited in surrogacy processes".


Countries such as UKRAINE or GREECE have long-standing legislation that protects the rights of surrogates. No country is free from any agency carrying out immoral or illegal practices, violating the rights of surrogates. But if that happens, the authorities deal with them, as has happened in the past with unscrupulous agencies. But GESTLIFE ensures through its own offices that the living conditions of the surrogates are adequate. GESTLIFE's programs are carried out with surrogates selected by GESTLIFE, without intermediaries, guaranteeing their living conditions.

"Surrogacy programs at a closed price are a scam".


The agencies that charge surrogacy programs at an open price (we know how much it costs at the beginning, but never how much it will cost us in the end) have no other argument. Paying a fixed price is always better than an open price that can grow until it ruins our economy. The agencies, plagued by intermediaries who take a good fee each one of them, simply for putting people in contact with each other, make the processes more expensive, and cannot offer a closed price, so they have no other argument to gain a foothold in the sector, than to try to discredit the few agencies that, like Gestlife, offer programs at a closed price. If a clinic does not offer us a program with an unlimited number of embryo transfers, and an unlimited number of in vitro fertilisations, and nevertheless, pretends to charge us for each medical act that they carry out, what credibility do they have that they want our surrogate to become pregnant as soon as possible, if they charge us every time they do not achieve it? . with the fixed price programs, this doubt disappears, as the clinic is the first interested in the surrogate becoming pregnant at the first attempt, since, if this is not the case, it will be the clinic who will have to pay for the subsequent medical treatments. Therefore, always demand a program with a fixed price, with no surprises.

"surrogacy process is an uncomplicated process that I can manage myself".


surrogacy process is very complicated. There is a mixture of contradictory legislation from two countries, bureaucratic obstacles from the administrations of the countries of destination that do not accept these techniques, a difficult medical process, and the stay in unknown countries, with a different language. If you hire a lawyer for a simple labour consultation, do you really intend to go through such a complicated process as surrogacy on your own? You can be a victim of deception, scams and theft by unscrupulous people who are waiting for desperate parents without professional advice.

"It is better to contract surrogacy agencies directly in the country of destination. You save yourself the middlemen."


Some parents, thinking they are saving money, go directly to a surrogacy agency in a foreign country. But they forget that the agency will only take care of the medical process, and not the legal part with the Consulate. The parents will have to take care of the follow-up of the whole process. You have to be very brave and speak languages, or very reckless.
For example, in Ukraine, most surrogacy "agencies" closed their doors when the war with Russia started. However, Gestlife kept its office and clinic open because we had 9 other countries to finish the processes in, and our financial solvency did not depend exclusively on Ukraine. Suddenly, hundreds of parents found themselves overnight with no one at the other end of the phone, without knowing where and how their surrogate was. This is one of the risks of working with local agencies.

"It is better to hire a small surrogacy agency . The treatment is more personal."


Small "companies" (home shops) are growing like mushrooms, which, after a personal surrogacy process, think they are going to recover the money spent, selling surrogacy programs. Very good intentions, but no structure in the country of destination, nor legal knowledge, can ruin a whole process when problems arise (and they often do). Pandemics, war, or legislative changes have taught us the importance of having structures in place, which even allow us to change countries in case complications arise in the country where we are carrying out our surrogacy process.

"Doing it with GESTLIFE is much more expensive and there are other surrogacy agencies that offer the same for much less."


GESTLIFE only carries out FIRST CLASS programs for parents who do not want any problems. For this it is essential to have a multilingual and trained staff, its own offices and to offer a whole series of services, which agencies do not offer, and which guarantee success. And success means having your child, which is priceless. Our programs are the most complete, because they cover all possible contingencies, avoiding financial surprises for future parents. No catch and no cardboard. No hidden holes.
Gestlife's programs may be somewhat less economical than those of some intermediary agencies, but this is because we compensate the surrogate, with a much higher compensation than that offered by the "agencies".

The difference in price is therefore based on giving better compensation and care to the person who is going to give us what we most want in our lives: our children.
The agencies, in which there is an intermediary in your country of origin, or in another country (often a different country from the country where the surrogacy program will be done), with an intermediary agency (because the clinic is not theirs), add intermediary fees, one after another, and as the programs have a ceiling on the price, they do it at the cost of reducing the compensation of the gestational surrogates, compensating them up to 40% less than Gestlife, which is clearly an exploitation.

By eliminating intermediaries, Gestlife can allocate its fees to better compensate the surrogate, the real protagonist of the story.
Looking for the cheapest surrogacy option is like driving all risks or third party. When something happens, we will regret not having the full risk. Never confuse value with price.

Most surrogacy agencies with somewhat cheaper packages than those of Gestlife, are so, not at the cost of reducing the fees of the agency and the multiple existing intermediaries (as they lack structure on both sides of the process), but by reducing the compensation to the surrogate, the real protagonist of this miracle. How do they get a "cheaper" surrogate than those employed by Gestlife:

Quite simply:

a) Paying less, you have the worst surrogates: those that the serious clinics have been rejecting, and that wander from clinic to clinic, until an unscrupulous low cost agency (she will be the mother of your child) accepts her, even though she does not meet the requirements (that is why she is being rejected by the other clinics).

b) Accepting the first one that comes through the door. It doesn't matter if she smokes and drinks. In the contract they will put penalties for if she smokes or drinks (reasons for which they simply should have automatically discarded her), but not with the aim of pushing her to give up these bad habits (which we all know she will not give up as they are very difficult to give up and even more so in a stressful situation such as a pregnancy), but to be able to pay them even less, because of the penalties that they are going to give her.

c) Reducing the list of medical, legal and psychological requirements that are demanded of a surrogate. Thus, by accepting more, they can pay less, at the cost of letting anyone in.

Looking for candidates among the most disadvantaged social strata, where the economic and cultural level is very low, and where those who agree to carry out this type of process only do so out of vital economic necessity, because they have no other solution.

Do you want this to be the profile of the mother who is going to carry your child? A surrogacy process has a high economic value because nothing can be left to chance when it comes to planning an important part of your life: your future child.

Many prospective parents (as it should be) communicate their concern for the welfare of the surrogate mother. And their well-being starts with not exploiting her financially.

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