Register for Gestlife conferences

Our conferences

These are free live conferences, where we will explain everything you need to know about a surrogacy programme, and you will be able to ask any questions you may have:

  • In which countries it can do so.
  • What do the laws in your country say - is surrogacy legal?
  • In which countries it is not advisable to do so and why.
  • What are the requirements for each country?
  • What the process looks like from A to Z.
  • What legal difficulties there may be.
  • How to return from the country where the process takes place.
  • What things you should always check before starting a surrogacy process.
  • Etc..

After the conference, there will be a question and answer session, where you can anonymously present your case or your doubts and we will be happy to answer them.

You can also request a private interview, free of charge, to discuss your case and your specific needs in more detail.

The conferences always take place at 7 p.m. (Spanish time) and last approximately one and a half hours, plus the time for the round of questions.

I would like to register for the conference to:


Asistente 1


Asistente 2

Aviso de Grabación:
Por favor, ten en cuenta que esta conferencia será grabada en video y/o audio con fines promocionales, educativos y de documentación. Al participar en la conferencia, das tu consentimiento para que tu imagen y voz puedan ser capturadas y utilizadas con estos propósitos.
Si no deseas ser grabado/a, por favor, abstente de participar en preguntas o intervenciones que puedan incluir tu imagen o voz durante la sesión. Entendemos y respetamos la privacidad de todos los participantes, y cualquier solicitud de no ser grabado/a será respetada.
Si tienes preguntas o inquietudes sobre el uso de las grabaciones, por favor, contacta a [email protected]
Gracias por tu comprensión y participación.